According to the customs for cross-border e-commerce online purchase bonded retail imports of goods return regulations,should be returned to the shipping customs area.But today,consumers can return any cross-border goods purchased to Hangzhou Comprehensive Bonded Zone.Some consumers can receive refunds faster,the operating costs of enterprises to deal with the return of goods is also reduced,this change,from a system of innovation in Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone-cross-border e-commerce online purchases of bonded retail imports of goods across the customs return pilot(“a little back to the country”)The new model of cross-customs area return)
Since September last year, “a little back to the country”model in Hangzhou since the pilot,for the sea shopping platform to provide warehousing and delivery business of the sea library,really touched the convenience of this model. “A year ago,the number of goods stored here is 0,now the storage of 140,000 pieces of goods from all over the world.”Haiku key customer channel department director Ge Haiying introduction,because of this model,Haiku service e-commerce platform here to establish a regional returns center warehouse,will be all over the customs area of the return of parts shipped to this centralized processing,through the pooling of manpower and material resources,to reduce the operating costs of returns disposal.
For enterprises,in the past,under the mode of“original in and original out”,e-commerce platforms need to build return warehouses in many comprehensive protection zones,but due to the fragmentation of returns,the overall utilization rate is not high,and after-sales costs increase.For consumers,some small bonded warehouses do not support customer returns due to conditions.Cross-customs return solves this pain point,the scope of user returns is relaxed,and the platform and suppliers can also focus on the rapid processing of returned pieces. “Before the return center warehouse is only more than 100 square meters,now the area has expanded 10 times,and we receive more than 300 pieces of returned cross-border goods every day,and there are more than 2,000 pieces a day during the peak period.”Ge Haiying said.In Hangzhou ZIPO,the“one point to return the whole country”mode for enterprises to bring a new atmosphere.
Cross-customs return involves the circulation of commodity data in each customs area,but there is a large amount of sensitive information in the customs data,high security requirements,coupled with the different systems of each customs area,has brought challenges to the connection.The model also involves the issue of regulatory responsibility,cross-border goods in the bonded area in the delivery of domestic customers need to pay tariffs,after the experience of“a hair a return”,tariffs are paid?Need around and Hangzhou mutual recognition of the results,to achieve synergistic supervision.
Pilot will be a year, “a little back to the country”also delivered a“report card”:as of the end of July this year,Hangzhou Comprehensive Free Trade Zone inspection and release of imported cross-border return commodities 105,000 pieces of goods valued at 30.89 million yuan,to help enterprises in the region to reduce the direct operating costs on the million dollars.